...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

-Genesis 1:2-3

Thursday, May 15, 2014


People amaze me.

The depth of their souls, the endless dwelling of joy and hope that bubbles forth and overflows into the outpouring of their lives. The rings of their eyes, so vibrant and hypnotizing and soothing all at once.

The generosity that's given out so freely and without thought, without expectancy of receiving anything in return. It's rare to find in this world, rarer even to hold.

For the beauty in their blemishes, the scratches on their hearts that stay as reminders of what once lashed at them in vain, and the kindness that still beats within their chambers. Humanity is a puzzle, a giant gift without the ribbon to tie it all together, and we are always searching, always sniffing around ourselves to understand what holds us up at the very bottom of our being.

We are loved in the secret, exclaimed in wide spaces. For every brush of hand to hand, bone to bone, we connect in indescribable ways. Sometimes, the best of our words can only be said in silence.

They surprise me, these beautiful, unique angels bound in skin. In unexplained motions that circle my mind in errant patterns. And they knock me breathless to the floor, overwhelmed and understated at the ferocity they rise up to save me from myself.

Hope is a rose that blooms in spite of thorns.
Light is a strike of color that cracks open the night.

And it is a beautiful combination that fuels the relentless pursuit of something more, something greater than the splintered trail I've trekked and tried to keep in line.

Humanity. With the beads of breath I store in my lungs, I push into the air my gratitude, like sparks full into the well of the world, firecrackers sizzling down the sky:

How brightly you burn, how high you soar. How gently you entwine my life with yours. 
Thank you. 

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