...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

-Genesis 1:2-3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Voices of the Faithful: Book 2

Voices of the Faithful: Book 2 by Kim P. Davis and Beth Moore

God’s Spirit is at work throughout all corners of the earth, woven together in this string of testimonies from missionaries serving Him around the world. Booksneeze® was gracious to provide me with a free copy of Voices of the Faithful for review. A daily devotional, Voices of the Faithful provides snippets in the lives of missionaries and the beautiful and broken people they encounter. There is a spiritual battle of darkness versus light, and God is using miraculous miracles and confident connections to shepherd in His flock. Each day holds a Bible verse, an accompanying thought or story, and a prayer for those affected in the lines above.

What initially drew me to this book was Beth Moore’s name on the cover. I am a huge fan of her teachings, and was curious as to how her new series would speak to me. I opened to the first page and dug in, savoring each line and breathing in the real and raw need out there for others to know the Good News. The devotions were arranged by month, and each one within that month were tied together by an overlying theme. The short and to the point devotionals made them easy to read, and if I had limited time in the day for my quiet time, I pulled out this book, read a day or two (if I fell behind!) and found nourishment for my soul. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to read of the true and marvelous happenings around the world, and how God is using so many people like us to get His message across.

Image courtesy of http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/voices-of-the-faithful-book-2-international-mission-board/1103525891?ean=9780849946233&itm=3&usri=voices%2bof%2bthe%2bfaithful%2binspiring%2bstories%2bof%2bcourage Barnesandnoble.com

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