...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

-Genesis 1:2-3

Monday, September 21, 2009

Best Times of My Life

I've been having an average to down day today, so I went to Concordia over lunch to sit by the bluff. It is so calm and peaceful, renewing. The water was patchwork- light teal with dark splotches, almost as if the lake had its own reefs. I'm not sure if it was crickets or cicadas, but they were steadily chirping and flickering across my path. The stone I leaned on was cool against my back; I felt the rough edges through my thin blouse.

Being here again, with school in session and kids wandering around campus with backpacks, makes me long for my college days. And let's face it- those truly were the best times of my life.

I was free.
I had no full time job to tie me down.

I had friends.
There was always someone down the hall ready for a late night Taco Bell run or to take a walk amongst the stars.

I was skinny.
The workouts and constant activity from sunup until way past sundown left me skin and muscles; I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and I may have even caught the eye of a male classmate or two.

The world was my oyster; I knew nothing else than the twilight whispers of wildflowers and soothing lapping of waves against the beach below.

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