Bless you!
This might be what you think you’d say to the title of my post, after I’ve spent hours and hours reading and collecting dust. But no, this is the name of my next endeavor!
Through the website I am able to read new Christian books from amazing authors, and then distribute my thoughts on the story through the web. I am super excited about this opportunity! It combines my love of reading and writing, and will allow wonderful books speaking of God and His mighty love and works to others. I’m so anxious to get my first book. I ordered one by Beth Moore- my favorite!
This is just a great Thank You God moment, for allowing myself to grow in Him through these books, and to provide insight to people like you who are looking for a fun and fascinating book to read. It might be a little bit before I get through the book and review it, but watch for my words of recommendation!
Have I mentioned I’m really, really excited for this??!!!